Lily Field — May 14, 2011
I read True Hallucinations 3 times recently.
And I'll probably read it again.
The very strange (unusual) exploration into dimensional reality was fascinating to me. Also fascinating were Dennis and Terence's ideas, theories and experiments with chemistry and sound, and how the brothers blasted off together into some weird and strange dimensional reality 'schizophrenia'.
I've read a lot and thought a lot, and I found that Dennis and Terence are among the most original, creative thinker/explorers out there.
I find Terence's time theory very interesting, very original and I imagine there is some veracity there.
When I was young, (19ish), I went off into a sort of borderline schizophrenia. Ever since my experience, I've believed there exists a more dimensional reality then we acknowledge. I also think our limited reality/perception is connected with the reason why human beings are deeply conflicted within (and without).
Wish I could join this forum. I, like a lot of people, am struggling financially.
But I would like a transcript, if possible.
I am very! looking forward to Dennis' book.