Saturday, December 20, 2008

Loving Ron

Loving Ron

How could I not love Ron?

His spirit is alive
and magical

I hope the day never
when the daily grind
or the
way of the world
wear out
my love for Ron



God made Everything
He was right
takes the life
out of life

If You Don't Mind

If You Don't Mind

My old boyfriend
once said,
"If you don't mind,
it don't matter."
He had a point.


Laughter, flowers, birds
and angels
Have a way of
making earth



All our minds ever do
is seek to make sense
The whole history of humans
is the history
of trying
to understand
and implement

When humans get to the apex
of trying to make sense
They give up

Then and only then
do they find
that everything
every moment
makes perfect sense
only because
it makes absolutely
no sense at all

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Cloak of Grim

A cloak of grim
all the time

No room for joy
No room for peace
No love

An infiltrating shadow of

aroused instantly, frequently, sharply
into a flame of resentful pain


When you believe in love
Everything is magical

Love is the wind
across the water
that generates waves
Love is here now
illuminating everything
from rock to cloud.

When you don't believe in love
the magic is murdered
things are things
and every interpretation
is an intellectual projection

Unhappy Marriage

How many zillions of women
before me
have had to endure
an unhappy marriage?
I shudder to think

Being in an unhappy marriage
is like living in a cage
slow torture
This lack of freedom
unknown by the husband
is deadly

The husband plays God
Bad Boy
For some warped reason
Having a woman under his thumb
gives him a sense of power
that he can wallow in

I didn't know about marriage
before -- but now I suspect
that the wedding dress and veil
are a lure
into the cage

What woman on earth
doesn't want to be the beautiful
center of attention
even for a moment?


He hurts you
so that when he looks at
you, he can see himself
in your woundedness

And when you try to escape
No siree.


I couldn't stay in the
place of death,

For that's where you live
when there is no love

Not a graveyard
where scattered tombstones
make an eerily beautiful

Not a hospital
where frightful smells
and unnatural whiteness
surround and compound


That dead loveless place
happens inside
when one is caged.

No Room

There was no happiness for me
in that land
The people didn't allow for
They had a format to follow
A format that took the
place of real life
That left no room
No room

The Road to Old

The road to old
dips down to hell
where nightmares dwell
and the abyss is felt
on either side

Our body begins
to droop dreadfully
what we took for granted
melts away
precariousness invades our minds
we look for solace everywhere